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Parent Participation

At Dovercourt School we believe that education is a joint responsibility between home and school. Parent involvement is strongly encouraged to enrich our school and your child's education. Parents can become involved by:  

  • Encouraging your child to talk about what they have learned and celebrating their achievements.  
  • Becoming acquainted with the teacher and other school staff.  
  • Attending the various functions provided for parents and students at the school.  
  • Assisting with fieldtrips and special events.  
  • Attending student progress conference and talking to the teacher when you have a question or concern anytime during the school year.  
  • Contacting the principal if you have a concern or wish to share a special event in your child’s life.
  • Attending School Council meetings.

Dovercourt School Council (DSC):  This group of parents meets once a month (dates on SchoolZone) to work with school administration and staff to discuss and develop school priorities.  As well, this group gives assistance with the organization of many school-wide activities.  Please consider joining this group; together we can make Dovercourt stronger.

Email: dovercourtschoolcouncil@gmail.com

Twitter: @dscpanda

Website: https://sites.google.com/a/share.epsb.ca/dovercourt-school-council/

Parent Advisory Network of Dovercourt Association (PANDA)

 This group of parents is the fundraising organization at Dovercourt School. The group fundraises for materials and special events and assists in the organization of school fund-raising such as casinos and hot lunches.

All parents automatically belong to the DSC and PANDA and are encouraged to attend the general meetings held once a month. Meetings are announced on School Zone and in newsletters. Elections for executive positions on Dovercourt School Council and PANDA are held at the annual meeting in September.

Edmonton Chinese Bilingual Education Association (ECBEA).  The ECBEA is a registered non-profit organization of volunteers dedicated to promoting the understanding of the Chinese language. This organization promotes learning of the Chinese language and provides parents with a voice with schools and government agencies. This group also raises funds to assist schools providing the Mandarin language program. Parents of students enrolled in our Mandarin Bilingual program automatically belong to this association. Meetings dates and locations of the meetings are posted on School Zone. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to attend.

Website: www.ecbea.org

Email: info@ecbea.org